The ZAZEE Cultural Association is a cultural team operating since December 2005. Our purpose is to provide the opportunity of meeting with culture that does not depend on age-groups. We especially try to present arts that have a lower level of popularity and for this reason it is harder to reach the public within the frames of other cultural institutions.
Our association is independent of the different types of art. We promote music, poetry and visual arts but theatre, dance, cinema etc. also play an important role on our events.
Since 2006 we have been organizing the Régióaktív and Color Arts Festivals with the intention of establishing tradition. The Régióaktív festival is a musical event that presents the participants of light music in Zala and its region. The Color Arts festival focuses on the gathering of the different arts in a particular environment. Through the three months of autumn in 2006 we organized a series of concerts in the restaurants, pubs and cafés of Zalaegerszeg called Kocsmazene Turné („Pubmusic Tour”). In 2009 we initiated an open-air cinema called Cinema Color and established the fundaments of light music subsidizing system. The more and more enthusiastic supporters of the arts and the artists prove the success of our events. We founded Fischer György Scholarship of Fine Arts in 2013 to support young artists in their career. In June of 2014 we have established the Bibliofülke („Bibliobooth”), an open public library, in one of the main squares of the town and continued our year with another Color Arts Festival. From 2015 our association started to support the International Residency program of the D’Clinic Studios, which hosts different emerging artists from all over the world for a month, and which had just moved to Zalaegerszeg from Lendava, Slovenia. In 2017 we published a postcard-series featuring the doorways of Zalaegerszeg titled KÉPben (“In the Picture”), focused on our programs supporting the local popular music scene, and published the 240 pages long art album of Ferenc Farkas sculptor. In 2018 we have prepared the book of theater criticisms of Béla Szemes titled “Egerszegi Színházi Esték 2. “ (“Theater nights in Zalaegerszeg 2”), helped with the publication of the poetry book of Péter Dolgos titled “ Pegazus a tollak hegyén” (“Pegasus on top of the Pen Mountain”), and organized the “Decemberi LICIT” (“Auction in December”) which was a unique auction of contemporary art pieces, as well as the biggest ever exhibition featuring artists with connections to Zalaegerszeg. We have founded and for the first time gave the Ex-Umbra award to Balázs Monok, which is awarded for the silent support of the arts annually. We also received a grant to record a classical album of Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas with Gábor Podhorszky.
The members of the association are artists and local young people supporting arts who are in continuos contact with the circulation of contemporary culture.
Our website is available only in Hungarian language. Contact: info@zazee.hu